Job security
We do everything we can to ensure the strength of our friends, neighbors, and the towns we call home. That starts with offering good jobs that provide an honest living for every man and woman we employ.

Bringing people in for tours and teaching students about the beef chain is some of our favorite things to do here at the Foote Family of Companies.

Community lunches
Our communities make us a family, and families eat together. The Foote Family of Companies love giving their time to cook our top quality beef for the local residents at various events throughout the year.

Meat donations
Giving back to our communities is a top priority in the Foote Family of Companies. We donate our top quality meat to local schools, nursing homes, churches, foundations, and so many more. Contact Carrie Evins at Carrie.evins@feedcattle.com to learn how a Foote Beef Donation could help out in your local community.